Business Unusual With Barbara Corcoran And Her Sister Jeanine Corcoran | 1-844-Corcoran
Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran introduces her guest today, Jeanine Corcoran who is her baby sister. Jeanine is the owner and broker for The Corcoran Connection a real estate company in St. Cloud, Florida.
Barbara started off by saying she had so many questions when she was preparing for this podcast that she knew it would take 7-8 hours to get through and have a whole series of podcasts. She gave that idea up and boiled it down to approximately 12 questions.
For each of the questions, she thought that perspective makes such a difference in life. Barbara is the second oldest in the family and Jeanine is the second youngest. Barbara asked Jeanine how many years there were between them in age? Jeanine answered that there were 13 years between them.
When Barbara was getting out of the house, flying the coup making the life that she wanted to live, Jeanine was just a little kid, and she was curious about what Jeanine’s memory was of her childhood? Barbara asked what Jeanine’s memory was of growing up in our family of 10 children.
Jeanine answered and agreed with Barbara that it did feel like two families, the older siblings as one family and the younger siblings as the second family. She continued that her childhood memories were of her Dad singing her and her sister Florence to sleep every night playing the guitar. Jeanine added that what she didn’t like was going to bed so early because it was still light out and she could hear kids playing outside.
Jeanine also recalled at age 6 or 7 waking up on Easter morning with 10 baby chicks in the bath tab. Barbara added that the bathtub was the one and only for all 10 children. Jeanine also remembered her Mom bringing her down to the junkyard and giving away the chicks when they were grown. Then, the kids would go visit the grown chickens and they would come out and run to them.
Her Mom made a big deal about that, and it was exciting for us. Jeanine likes to think that those grown chickens were theirs and that her mother wouldn’t make that up, but Barbara remembers their mother would do anything to make the kids happy.
Jeanine then remembered when she turned 10 years old that her mother through a surprise birthday party for her and invited her entire class. There were between 25-30 kids from her class there and it was really nice that she did that. Barbara wasn’t there for that one and wondered how all those kids fit in their small childhood home.
Barbara thought of her dad as the person who taught us that fun comes first. She recalls Jeanine saying over the years how much she got from her Dad but from Barbara’s perspective, her Dad wasn’t around much as he had two jobs.
Barbara asked Jeanine why she thought their dad was more influential than their mom? Barbara couldn’t see from her view anybody being more influential than her mother. Jeanine answered that maybe subconsciously her mom was more influential and that she influenced her as a mom as she was a great mother.
Jeanine said that her dad was all about business, coming home in his suit from work and sitting and telling stories about his workday. Jeanine stated that they were horrible stories. She remembers her dad always being right and Jeanine saying, “yeah, that’s right dad, you’re right!”.
Jeanine would always go to her dad for advice when she started working and she would listen to him faithfully and follow his advice. Barbara said to Jeanine that she assumed he was always right, and Jeanine answered yes, she assumed he was always right. Jeanine said she must have adored him.
Jeanine stated that she was ultimately her dad’s favorite and Barbara agreed and added that she was her mom’s favorite and would take that any day of the week. Barbara stated we each had our own.
We hope you enjoyed Business Unusual with Barbara Corcoran and her sister Jeanine Corcoran. If you want to read the rest of the story, please visit our blog post article at the top of the description.
The Corcoran Connection
1426 S Narcoossee Rd
Saint Cloud FL 34771
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