"IT'S OVER" The Downfall of the Kardashians… Low Ratings and Brand Failures

"IT'S OVER" The Downfall of the Kardashians… Low Ratings and Brand Failures

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"IT'S OVER" The Downfall of the Kardashians… Low Ratings and Brand Failures

The Kardashians have been making headlines lately, but unfortunately, it's been mostly
negative. From their latest season's poor ratings to their brands facing scrutiny and flopping,
the family's troubles seem to be escalating week by week. Let's spill the tea on the latest
Kardashian drama!

In today's video we look at The Downfall of the Kardashian. They have all time Low Ratings and several Brand Failures.

Subscribe for Kardashian news, Kim Kardashian news, Kim Kardashian drama, Kim Kardashian drama, Kim Kardashian low ratings, Kardashian low ratings, Kardashian failed brands, Kardashian gossip, Kardashian updates, The Jenners, kylie jenner drama.


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