Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto end up in the magical Land of Oz where she befriends Kim the Scarecrow, Kourtney the Tin Woman, and Khloe the Lion. The three sims help her on her journey to the Wizard.
Boss’s Brother: Khloe, Mariah, Britney, Caitlyn
Boss: Kim, Dorothy
Boss’s Sister: Kourtney, Kris
Dexter (Our Family Dog): Toto
Writer: Boss
Editor: Boss’s Sister
Art Director: Boss’s Brother
Character Modelers: Piper, e-neillan
Character Designer: Alexey "dopesims" Yakimov
Environment Artists: Ekiv99, Fede
Object Modeler: muccdy
Animator: TheOnlyException
Director: Boss
Music and Sound Effects from Epidemic Sound.
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