Jeremy Ledbetter Trio - Flight

Jeremy Ledbetter Trio - Flight

143 View

Publish Date:
12 April, 2024
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:

Jeremy Ledbetter Trio - "Flight"
From the album "Gravity" (coming Sept 2024)

ALBUM VERSION: (link goes here)
For more info visit

Composed by Jeremy Ledbetter

Jeremy Ledbetter - piano
Rich Brown - bass
Larnell Lewis - drums

Recorded and filmed live at Longboat Hall, Toronto

Produced by Jeremy Ledbetter
Directed by Thom Varey
Filmed by Brittany Farhat, Matthew Fong, Anastasia Lantsova, Marco Libretti, Dmitry Lopatin, Julian Peter, Niall Collins, and Thom Varey
Lighting by Fox Procenko
Audio recorded by Patric McGroarty
Piano tuned by Marc DeCorte
Mixed by John "Beetle" Bailey at The Drive Shed
Video edited and coloured by Thom Varey
Production Manager - Eliana Cuevas

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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