Justin Bieber REACTS to Selena Gomez's new album and goes viral on IG....

Justin Bieber REACTS to Selena Gomez's new album and goes viral on IG....

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Publish Date:
18 March, 2025
Selena Gomez
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Standard License
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#selena #selenagomez #selenagomezsongs #selenagomeznewsong #selenagomezloveon #news #justinBeiber #justin #justinbeiberandselenagomez #gomez #Beiber #HaileyBeiber #JustinAndHarleyBeiber #celebritynews
Justin Bieber had two suspicious actions
just one day before the scheduled
release of another song by Selena Gomez
with her fiance Benny Blanco Justin
Bieber shared a deep message on his
Instagram stories on Thursday the singer
posted a revealing statement saying he
has always felt unworthy people told me
my whole life Wow Justin you deserve
that and I personally have always felt
unworthy like I was a fraud like when
people told me I deserve something it
made made me feel sneaky like damn if
they only knew my thoughts how
judgmental I am how selfish I really am
they wouldn't be saying this I say all
this to say if you feel sneaky welcome
to the club I definitely feel unequipped
and unqualified most days this isn't the
first time Bieber has shared reflective
messages back in February he made a post
about growth and change saying it's time
to grow up changing is about letting go
not trying harder today I'm Letting Go
and remembering the weight isn't on me
to change the weight is on God asking
Jesus to genuinely help me with simply
The Next Step today and Justin Bieber
had another action that sparked
speculation many believe he was writing
about Selena Gomez especially after
noticing a very curious connection

DISCLAIMER** everything in this video is rumors/gossip/alleged
Thumbnail images are satire created by adobe photoshop
Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as CRITICISM, COMMENTING, NEWS REPORTING, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use.
This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY! NOTHING said in this video is based on fact, truth, or evidence. The THUMBNAIL & TITLE, may be exaggerated ONLY for ENTERTAINMENT purposes, and SHOULD NOT Be taken as PROOF of Anything in the VIDEO. This is Purely and OPINION, with no proof, of anything, to be merely used for entertainment, and comedy value. These are all allegations, rumors, lies, and/or coincidences, that are further analyzed for fun! I am not being real or authentic in anyway, this content is just for laughs.