What is an Influencer? Ft. Shephali Bhatt & Kajol Srinivasan | ELI10

What is an Influencer? Ft. Shephali Bhatt & Kajol Srinivasan | ELI10

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All of us have seen our favorite content creators making those dance reels on catchy songs, trying to promote a product or endorse a brand. Most certainly enticing and because they're backed by the people we are familiar with, we are always more likely to trust these brands. In the very first episode of Explain like I'm 10, our host Meghnad is joined by Tech reporter and journalist Shephali Bhatt from the Mint, and comedian and content creator Kajol Srinivasan, as they discuss what an influencer even is, who qualifies as one, and how the entire ecosystem works.

Link for articles:
Supreme court decision about dream 11: https://bit.ly/3RcIiaB
Creator economy: https://bit.ly/3QUgckv

Find our host Meghnad on his social handles:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meghnads/?h...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Memeghnad
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meghnad-s...

Follow Shephali on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShephaliBhatt
Follow Kajol on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LOLrakshak

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