Amazing jam session - Three random guys sing together

Amazing jam session - Three random guys sing together

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Publish Date:
22 October, 2024
Street Performers
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:

Note: I originally uploaded this in 2014 after finding the video on Facebook. I now make coding videos and help aspiring developers get their first jobs. If you're interested in learning about web development, check out my other videos, otherwise enjoy this one!

Jesse Rya @Jesse_Rya

Ron RoadWork Lashley

Jamie Maldonado

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Description from Jaime Tatos Maldonado's video on Facebook; 'I was walking to kroger and saw this guy playing a song. It sounded good so I decided to record it. By the end of the song three guys started jamming. This truly is music in its simplest form. It really reminds of the Austin days. Enjoy'.