Rihanna SNAPS at Snapchat Costing them $800 MILLION Dollars! #rihanna #snapchat #chrisbrown

Rihanna SNAPS at Snapchat Costing them $800 MILLION Dollars! #rihanna #snapchat #chrisbrown

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Gather around, gossip enthusiasts, because Snapchat is in hot water again, and this time it's getting burned where it hurts the most—the wallet. Just when you thought Snapchat couldn't stumble into another controversy, it goes and loses a whopping $800 million in the blink of an eye. So, what set off this financial firestorm? None other than pop sensation Rihanna, who took to Instagram to mercilessly shred the app for an ad that made light of domestic violence. The ad in question, concocted by a third-party, masqueraded as a twisted "Would You Rather?" game. But one of the choices it posed to users was nothing short of a despicable shocker—asking them whether they'd prefer to "slap Rihanna" or "punch Chris Brown." Welcome to Reanna Unveiled. Thank you for watching our video. Please enjoy.

Not surprisingly, this reprehensible ad drew swift backlash not only from app users but also from the Umbrella-swinging diva herself. Rihanna's scathing Instagram post apparently packed such a punch that it sent Snapchat's stocks plummeting by a jaw-dropping 4 percent, according to reports by The Wall Street Journal. That's right, folks, nearly a billion dollars down the drain in a matter of days, all thanks to Rihanna's fiercely loyal fanbase, who chose to show their allegiance by hitting the "delete" button on Snapchat. In a damage control move, Snapchat hurriedly yanked the offensive ad from its platform on Monday and issued a public apology. They admitted, "The advert was reviewed and approved in error, as it violates our advertising guidelines."

But Rihanna wasn't about to let the app off the hook that easily. She unleashed her fury on Snapchat via her Instagram story, condemning the company for profiting off an ad that seemed to trivialize the serious issue of domestic violence. "You spent money to animate something that would intentionally bring shame to DV victims and made a joke of it!!! This isn't about my personal feelings, cause I don't have much of them... but all the women, children, and men that have been victims of DV in the past and especially the ones who haven't made it out yet... You let us down! Shame on you.

Throw the whole app-oligy away." Rihanna's words cut deep, and the world was watching. Snapchat, clearly feeling the heat from Rihanna and the public, issued yet another apology, stating, "This advertisement is disgusting and never should have appeared on our service. We are so sorry we made the terrible mistake of allowing it through our review process. We are investigating how that happened so that we can make sure it never happens again." To make matters worse, the ill-conceived ad dredged up painful memories of Chris Brown's assault on Rihanna before the 2009 Grammy Awards. Brown, who later pleaded guilty to felony assault, received a sentence of five years probation and six months of community service, forever staining his image and their tumultuous relationship in the public eye.

But let's not forget, this isn't the first time Snapchat has found itself in the red thanks to a celebrity's social media influence. Just a month ago, the company hemorrhaged a staggering $1.3 billion after Kylie Jenner, the queen of makeup and social media, pondered aloud to her 25 million Twitter followers, "does anyone else not open Snapchat anymore?" And there you have it, folks! Snapchat's rollercoaster ride of scandals continues, with Rihanna delivering a knockout punch that sent shockwaves through the tech world and serves as a stark reminder that even the mightiest of apps can't escape the wrath of a superstar scorned! Stay tuned for more juicy celebrity tales! Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, and don't forget to follow us for more delicious gossip about your favorite celebs. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on the notification bell for more videos like this. Thanks for watching Reanna Unveiled.

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