Stop What You're Doing And Look At The Rock's Eyebrow Raise

Stop What You're Doing And Look At The Rock's Eyebrow Raise

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The Rock Eyebrow Raise, Here's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson — actor, producer, pro wrestler, workout behemoth, and the object of every human's desire. Just look at his lovable face, But did you know that back in the day, the man was a WWE superstar who ~electrified~ his millions and millions of fans with the help of a charismatic eyebrow.That's right...The People's Eyebrow.This eyebrow commanded respect from arenas all over the world, and made plenty of knees weak in the process.Look at all that sensual cockiness packed into a single strip of hair.Look at the beautiful manliness above his right eye.Look at the fierce intensity of that supercilium that's often imitated but never duplicated.