Wayne Newton Is 80, Look at Him Now After Losing All His Money

Wayne Newton Is 80, Look at Him Now After Losing All His Money

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Did you know that Wayne Newton had ties to the mob and that he really likes exotic animals? Decades ago, Wayne Newton was one of the most popular performers on the Las Vegas scene. Despite the success that he has seen in his career, he has never been very good with money. Wayne started facing serious financial difficulties in the 1980s, and he’s still struggling today. Thankfully for fans, this hardship makes it so that the 80-year-old singer is still actively performing, though he’d probably prefer to be taking it easy.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:25 - Wayne Newton Has Never Been a Good Businessman
02:22 - Wayne Had Financial Ties to the Mob
04:29 - How Wayne Newton’s House Became a Museum
06:34 - Wayne Is Still Facing Financial Difficulties Today
08:14 - Outro

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According to legend, Wayne Newton began performing professionally when he was only 6 years old. By the time he was an adult, he was talented enough that he was able to make a name for himself as a solo crooner. Over the course of his career, the singer has found the majority of his success in Las Vegas. During his early years, he was content with being a performer on the stage. However, by the 1980s, Wayne decided that he wanted to become the owner of his own hotel. Sadly, when he made the decision, he didn’t take his lack of business skills into consideration.

In order to gain control of his own hotel and casino in Las Vegas, Wayne had to rely on mob connections. Owing money to the wrong people didn’t prove a good choice for the singer’s finances, and neither did falsify his income reports to the IRS. Over the course of the 1980s, Wayne went broke due to all of the money that he owed. In 1992, he filed for bankruptcy. In the decades since, the singer has barely managed to stay afloat. Wayne can still be caught performing today at the age of 80 due to the fact that he needs to make as much money as possible in order to pay off his debts. Join Facts Verse as we look at how Wayne Newton is doing after losing all of his money.

Wayne Newton Is 80, Look at Him Now After Losing All His Money