32:17MagiciansHOW Did They Do That? Magicians That MYSTIFIED The Judges on America's Got Talent!13 February, 202513,610
59MagiciansMost Underrated Magicians on Got Talent | Top 5 #magic #gottalentmagician #magician #talent #funny18 November, 20241,989
5:40MagiciansMagic Mike Makes the Judges Cry With His Emotional Audition on Australia's Got Talent!27 October, 20241,530,953
05Magiciansmagic #magicians #magic tricks #magicians got talent #magic tricks revealed #best magicians14 October, 20242,959
7:46MagiciansShin Lim SHOCKS Judges With INCREDIBLE Card Magic on America's Got Talent!8 October, 2024423,283
5:27MagiciansYoung Magician AMAZES The Judges With Her UNIQUE Card Tricks! | Magicians Got Talent6 October, 2024324,600
2:11:35MagiciansOver 2 Hours of the ULTIMATE Magicians From Britain's Got Talent!3 October, 20241,725,891
51:53MagiciansTop 10 Teleportation Acts That CONFUSED The Judges on Got Talent!30 September, 20241,600,092
25:33MagiciansTOP FIVE BEST MAGICIANS 2023 - Britain's Got Talent! These Auditions STUNNED The Judges28 September, 202410,037,787
11:41MagiciansBritain's Got Talent Magic LEGEND Leaves the Judges IN TEARS on Got Talent Allstars!20 September, 2024698,748
56MagiciansAMERICA'S GOT TALENT MAGICIAN TRICK REVEALED #agt #magic #foryou #tricks #shorts #trend13 September, 202421,127
5:27MagiciansYoung Magician AMAZES The Judges With Her UNIQUE Card Tricks! | Magicians Got Talent3 July, 2024317,649
3:26MagiciansMagician's Secret REVEALED in a SHOCKING Audition! | Magician's Got Talent28 June, 202434,377
25:33MagiciansTOP FIVE BEST MAGICIANS 2023 - Britain's Got Talent! These Auditions STUNNED The Judges28 June, 20248,831,145
1:1:15MagiciansKid Magicians Who's Magic Tricks Will Leave You Speechless on Britain's Got Talent23 June, 2024137,260
11:41MagiciansBritain's Got Talent Magic LEGEND Leaves the Judges IN TEARS on Got Talent Allstars!6 June, 2024661,392
05Magiciansmagic #magicians #magic tricks #magicians got talent #magic tricks revealed #best magicians19 May, 20242,957
3:26MagiciansMagician's Secret REVEALED in a SHOCKING Audition! | Magician's Got Talent18 March, 202433,603
5:27MagiciansYoung Magician AMAZES The Judges With Her UNIQUE Card Tricks! | Magicians Got Talent4 March, 2024306,425
14:32MagiciansTop 3 Disappearing Tricks that SHOCKED the Judges From Got Talent!8 February, 2024875,312
51:53MagiciansTop 10 Teleportation Acts That CONFUSED The Judges on Got Talent!6 February, 2024923,249
25:33MagiciansTOP FIVE BEST MAGICIANS 2023 - Britain's Got Talent! These Auditions STUNNED The Judges31 January, 20246,894,866
2:11:35MagiciansOver 2 Hours of the ULTIMATE Magicians From Britain's Got Talent!30 January, 20241,262,820
29:34MagiciansAll Magicians on Britain's Got Talent 2018 | Got Talent Global28 January, 202437,741,233
1:15:38MagiciansBEST Illusionists and Magicians on Got Talent Around the World!14 December, 2023334,967
1:7:57MagiciansAmazing MAGICIANS that will leave you SPEECHLESS! 💫 | AGT 20232 December, 202326,281
2:49:48Magicians30 BEST Magicians Auditions From Around The Globe on Got Talent!30 November, 202315,421
1:1:15MagiciansKid Magicians Who's Magic Tricks Will Leave You Speechless on Britain's Got Talent14 November, 20231,530
51:53MagiciansTop 10 Teleportation Acts That CONFUSED The Judges on Got Talent!5 November, 202342,554
8:37MagiciansThe TOP MOST VIEWED Magician Audition on Britain's Got Talent 2023!31 October, 20235,794
2:11:35MagiciansOver 2 Hours of the ULTIMATE Magicians From Britain's Got Talent!30 October, 202319,955
5:52MagiciansMagician IMPRESSES Judges with Sleight of Hand Tricks on Cambodia's Got Talent 2023!13 September, 20235,522
5:40MagiciansMagic Mike Makes the Judges Cry With His Emotional Audition on Australia's Got Talent!11 September, 2023354,984
16:48MagiciansThe Top Three Finalist Performances on Britain's Got Talent: The Ultimate Magician!7 September, 202318,643
5:32MagiciansMagician CONFUSES Judges With His Sleek Sleight of Hand on Asia's Got Talent!5 September, 20234,360
13:08MagiciansHusband and Wife Magicians WOW The Judges on Britain's Got Talent But Only ONE Gets 4 Yeses!4 September, 202327,641
12:37MagiciansINCREDIBLE Illusionist Ben Hart WOWS The Judges With His AMAZING Magic on Britain's Got Talent!27 August, 2023433,098
11:41MagiciansBritain's Got Talent Magic LEGEND Leaves the Judges IN TEARS on Got Talent Allstars!19 August, 2023380,049
20:52MagiciansThe Best Magicians From Australia's Got Talent Who Blew The Judges Minds!16 August, 2023218,444
18:14MagiciansHorror Magic! The Judges Were SPOOKED by These Scary Auditions! | Magician's Got Talent10 August, 2023344,749
18:52MagiciansEVERY Performance of Magical Bones On Britain's Got Talent and Ultimate Magician!5 August, 20239,923
30:41MagiciansTOP 5 MOST VIEWED Magicians from America's Got Talent 2022! Get SPELLBOUND by these Auditions!6 July, 20238,459,546
3:44MagiciansCOMEDIC Magician STEALS Amanda Holden's BRA! | Magician's Got Talent13 June, 20232,758,663
25:33MagiciansTOP FIVE BEST MAGICIANS 2023 - Britain's Got Talent! These Auditions STUNNED The Judges13 June, 2023420,635
49:55MagiciansUNSEEN MAGIC AUDITIONS on Britain's Got Talent 2020 | Magicians Got Talent21 May, 20239,711,941
31:23MagiciansALL MAGICIAN Auditions and Performances From Canada's Got Talent 2023!18 May, 20231,984
4:20Magicians"What The Hell!" Magician SHOCKS The Judges in a MIND-BLOWING Audition! | Magician's Got Talent16 May, 20231,239,311
8:49MagiciansMost HEARTBREAKING Magic Audition That Left the Britain's Got Talent Judges IN TEARS!14 May, 202374,172
52:08MagiciansThe ULTIMATE Magician - Where it all Began! Auditions from THE BEST Magicians IN THE WORLD!2 May, 2023164,712
3:26MagiciansMagician's Secret REVEALED in a SHOCKING Audition! | Magician's Got Talent29 April, 20234,327
57:59MagiciansTOP TEN MAGICIAN AUDITIONS from 2022 From Britain's and America's Got Talent!26 April, 2023876,477
30:38MagiciansTOP 5 MOST VIEWED Magician Auditions from America's Got Talent 2022!1 April, 20235,911,467
58:15MagiciansTOP TEN BEST MAGICIANS 2022 - Britain's and America's Got Talent! These Auditions STUNNED The Judges1 April, 20233,329,994
24:12MagiciansTOP 5 Magicians Around The World 2018 | Magicians Got Talent14 February, 202338,451,553
16:00MagiciansTOP 5 Magicians on America's Got Talent 2020 | Magicians Got Talent6 February, 202312,763,969
24:35MagiciansUnreal Magic Auditions That SHOCKED Simon Cowell | Magicians Got Talent30 January, 202314,021,879
19:06MagiciansAll Star Magicians! Three INCREDIBLE Magic Auditions From America's Got Talent: All Stars 2023!29 January, 202321,267
17:43MagiciansSCARY Magic Acts LIVE ON STAGE On Britain's Got Talent 2022! | Magician's Got Talent4 January, 20234,103,540
5:27MagiciansYoung Magician AMAZES The Judges With Her UNIQUE Card Tricks! | Magicians Got Talent20 December, 202233,834
27:03MagiciansPiff the Magic Dragon on America's Got Talent | Magicians Got Talent10 December, 202225,120,647
12:13MagiciansMAGIC TRICKS OF PENN AND TELLER FOOL US - The Truth Finally Revealed!5 December, 202259,108
17:25MagiciansCREEPY TOP 3 Masked Magicians on Got Talent | Magicians Got Talent24 November, 20223,528,663
48:36MagiciansBest Magicians In The World on America's Got Talent: The Champions | Magicians Got Talent23 November, 202227,551,224
14:03MagiciansBEST Magicians Shin Lim VS Eric Chien on America's Got Talent | Top Talent22 November, 20226,595,891
17:18MagiciansMagicians That SHOCKED Simon Cowell on AGT and BGT! | Magician's Got Talent18 November, 20221,322,506
16:32Magicians5 UNBELIEVABLE Magic Tricks On Britain's Got Talent! | Magician's Got Talent18 November, 2022809,059
43:53MagiciansSPOOKY MAGIC! The Most TERRIFYING Magicians EVER! Happy Halloween!2 November, 202257,550
29:40MagiciansBest Illusionists on Pilipinas Got Talent 2018 | Magicians Got Talent13 October, 20226,831,958
14:03MagiciansBEST Magicians Shin Lim VS Eric Chien on America's Got Talent | Top Talent2 September, 20226,473,129
17:43MagiciansSCARY Magic Acts LIVE ON STAGE On Britain's Got Talent 2022! | Magician's Got Talent1 September, 20222,118,671
17:18MagiciansMagicians That SHOCKED Simon Cowell on AGT and BGT! | Magician's Got Talent31 August, 20221,074,140
16:32Magicians5 UNBELIEVABLE Magic Tricks On Britain's Got Talent! | Magician's Got Talent31 August, 2022658,580
16:00MagiciansTOP 5 Magicians on America's Got Talent 2020 | Magicians Got Talent30 August, 202211,949,289
30:38MagiciansTOP 5 MOST VIEWED Magician Auditions from America's Got Talent 2022! | Got Talent Global29 August, 2022276,884
28:08MagiciansTop 5 GOLDEN BUZZER Magicians on Got Talent Global | Magicians Got Talent26 August, 202217,486,224
24:35MagiciansUnreal Magic Auditions That SHOCKED Simon Cowell | Magicians Got Talent25 August, 202213,943,340
48:36MagiciansBest Magicians In The World on America's Got Talent: The Champions | Magicians Got Talent20 August, 202226,638,184