Khloe Kardashian Reacts After Getting Sued for MISTREATING Her Staff

Khloe Kardashian Reacts After Getting Sued for MISTREATING Her Staff

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Khloe Kardashian Reacts After Getting Sued for MISTREATING Her Staff

Khole Kardashia has been caught up in yet another controversy and this time it's not just a controversy, rather, it's a million dollar lawsuit!! And, this one is going to be hard for Khloe because she is not just being accused of breaking multiple state labour laws but a lot more than that… It’s shocking to hear that someone could do this to their employees!! Is the whole thing really as scandalous or there’s more to the story? And, how is Kim involved in this case? Stay tuned to find out every juicy detail about Khloe’s recent scandal

#popjuice #khloekardashian

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